Robert Graves: Military Transition Guide Back Into Civilian Life
Robert Graves is a Life Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist, living in Southern California, focusing on Athletic Peak Performance training, and Military Transition Assistance. He has dedicated his civilian time to learning and pursuing ways to help those in need, with special attention to adolescents, veterans, and those suffering from Auto-Immune Diseases such as Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis. “How to Grow a Beard: A Military Transition Guide Back Into Civilian Life” was written after six years of his personal transition after serving ten years in the Marine Corps. It aims to help members of the military transition easier back into civilian life.
On the show we cover his military life, miss-conceptions about military personnel, his job in the Marines, what a certified hypnotherapist does, his personal journey from military to civilian life, why it’s so hard for certain people to make that transition, what the government should do to help, what civilians can do to help and so much more. A very eye opening podcast that will hopefully bring help to current and former men and woman of the armed forces.
To find more about Robert Graves, you can head over to, Facebook, on Twitter @LIVECoachGraves. And make sure to check out “How to Grow a Beard: A Military Transition Guide Back Into Civilian Life” on Amazon.