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James K. Lambert - "Conspiracy Theorists Lie" Filmaker

James K. Lambert is a documentarian and professor of film and is behind the new film "Conspiracy Theorists Lie." James started reading Marx and Malcolm X in the 80's, and dabbling in conspiracy theories. He also developed a strong desire to run away from everything, which lead him into the Army right out of high school but was unable to fight against Saddam in Desert Storm after some physical issues. All of this led to a life adrift through most of the 90's. Eventually James met his wife and was inspired to go back to school and completed an MFA program that focused on nonfiction film and worked on Sundance Award Winning documentary, "TV Junkie." That is just a snippet of his life; you can find out more at and connect with him on twitter @JamesKLambert.

"Conspiracy Theorists Lie" is about the assassination of President Kennedy and the way people have fallen for so many lies surrounding the case. James states that there was no conspiracy and that the Warren Commission got it right. The first two thirds of the film lays out some of the biggest JFK lies and how they got into the general public. The final third of the film is James interacting with people in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX on the 50th anniversary in 2013. He handed out booklets that simply said, “conspiracy theorists lie,” and let that spark conversations. You can view the first trailer for the movie here and the other one here. Listen to the interview by clicking here and if you enjoyed the trailers/interview you can watch the entire film at


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